Monday, April 20, 2009


So I was playing with my dog on Saturday and she doubled back for some reason and tripped me up. I was running pretty much full-tilt at the time which meant that when I went flying, I REALLY went flying! The dog somehow got out of the way and I did a graceful swan-dive, culminating in a face-first 1 metre slide along paving stones.
I snapped my head back (and avoided concussion) and escaped with losing the skin on my knees and elbows, the front of my thighs has bruised black, friction from my shirt ripped some of the skin off my chest and I bruised my ribs so ghat I am entirely unable to laugh 9and of course many hilarious things happened ever since).
Of course my dogs see my lying on the ground and go "Hey! That looks like fun!" and they both jumped o top of me, tails wagging away. I realised I had whiplash when I got a pounding headache an hour or so alter and lost the ability to turn my head. I took some painkillers and headed off to the zoo benefit at the theatre, where by interval the room was spinning alarmingly and so I snuck off early and went home to collapse.
So now I look like I'm being abused at home, I'm wearing long sleeves and scarves to hide the bruising and I still have a nasty headache. Al because I thought that my puppies would like to play!


SuvvyGirl said...

oh that sounds horrible. I have a bad back so I frequently have issues with not being able to turn my head...and mine is usually just becuase I looked at something wrong. At least you had a justifiable accident. Hope you are feeling better soon!

Kath Lockett said...

You poor thing! A hilarious adventure for your doggies ends up in pain for you..!

Candice said...

Is this in any way related to the "official" start of scarf-wearing weather that we discussed? ;) Just asking...