Monday, March 30, 2009

I should research this!

So someting happeed last week in that I did bundles of landry and nothing came out the other end... To be honest, my participation ended at putthing clothes in the washing machine and hitting the start button. I'm very good at doing laundry strategically when I'm either about to go out or just before Gertrude, the super-awesome maid arrives (she hides things and tends to put clean cothes in the wash while folding up dirty clothes back in my cupboard, but she's totally awesome! plus she spends two days a week at my hous so I don't have to worry about my dogs being lonely. I think in a life or death situation Max would totally rescue her first!)

So anyway for the last few days I've been battling to find anything to wear. Finally in frustraton I went through my cupboards last night to discover that it is a lot neater than usual bcasue half my stuf fis gone. More specifically the pants that went into the wash have not re-emerged. I ended up wering a skirt yesterday (horrors), going to gym in my pyjamas (ok, that's normal) and now I'm walking around in cargo pants I found in the back of the cupboard that I haven't worn since high school. They not too bad except they have a million pockets and I keep losing things and then i have to hunt through all of the pockets and zip-compartments and velcroed sub-pockets within pockets until I forget what i was looking for in the first place.

I hope that my clothes do their usual trick of being missing for a week or so and then reappearing just in time for me to avoid going to university in my swimming costume, fluffy slippers and a bathrobe out of desperation. but the fact remains: where the heck do these things go? I don't mind occasionally losing a sock or a shoelace or a glove, but all my jeans and about 3 pairs of gym pants in one fell swoop? That's one hungry washing machine!

Any ideas on where they might be? Has anyone else had an experience like this before? It makes me feel kind of violated and alone...


SuvvyGirl said...

It sounds to me as if the sock monkeys and hamper gnomes have upgraded on you. :P

Helen said...

It's scary! I'm tarting to think there's a conspiracy and that people are hiding everything on purpose...

I would investigate further, but I have no theme music :(

po said...

Hee hee I have not expereinced this to the same extremes as you!

But if you do go to uni in your costume, please take a pic ok?

The Mutant said...

Have you checked in the washing machine? When stuff like that happens to me it's usually because I forgot to empty it. You did say that you filled the machine and pressed start, but you didn't tell us that you emptied it!

SuvvyGirl said...

you could hum the mission impossible theme song while investigating. :P

Helen said...

Thanks Mutant, did check the machine, nada :(

Although I wasn't humming, so that might have affected the outcome...