Sunday, January 07, 2007

just for the record

I do not HATE Grey's anatomy, I just wasn't exactly blown away by it. And I got this weird impulse to take MEredith by the shoulders and shake her! But now that the second season has been taken out and I won't have a chance to watch it until I get back at the end of January, I realsie that I have become rather attached.

That is all.

And by the way, I'm leaving next Tuesday, so if anyone is planning on organising anything, please make it for this week!


Luke said...

Don't tell Sarah but...I can't say that Grey's captured me in any way. I watched two episodes when it first aired on M-net but that little fire cracker in my brain that went off when I watched 'Lost' and 'Scrubs' failed to detonate...

As for singing cartoon characters...;)

Helen said...

I'm glad I have someone on my side on this one!

Another series I trried that didn't work for me was Rome. I was really looking forward to it, but... nothing. So sad. And all the blood made me feel sick, which is weird because normally I don't mind it so much.

Luke said...

I've never even smelt 'Rome' so I can't pass comment on that one but I did hear from a lot of reviewers (not personally) that it was really heavy going and not for the faint hearted.

sarah said...

no comment facists