Monday, September 19, 2011

ever think...?

So I'm in namibia and I can't sleep and I have been working really
hard and am tired so I don't know why lately I'm not sleeping. Except
my mother and her vuvuzela practice during naptime but that is another

I decided today that I might have a sudden-onset-flying-phobia.

Something about the noise of being right by an engine which didn't
sound 'normal' - not to mention the logical 'I'm in several hundred
tons of metal and the cars are TOO big, why are we so close to the
groud, we should be climbing, why aren't we climbing I'M GOING TO

And the airport is outside the town so I was convinced we were going
to land on a farm.

It is strange, I always loved flying (I used to ask for turbulence as
a kid), but I think I've dealt with death too much over the last year
and I think I lost my immortality. It just sucks that there's a good
job as a trainee pilot going and I thinlk I might not be suitable


Kath Lockett said...

I think you're right in that the older we get the more we realise what could go wrong - esp after facing a few 'big issues' re death, illness and injury in our lives.

That said, unless the plane is a BIG one, I don't think you'll ever catch me willingly travelling on a light plane!

po said...

WOWWWWWW Namibia is it for work? I want to go there so badly it is one of the top places of my list of where to go in the world. Haha to your mom, it's a hard instrument to master!

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