Monday, November 17, 2008

more illegible candlelight musings

Due to a complete lack of popular demand for the rest of the random notes I wrote in the dark, I decided to post them anyway in order to procrastinate actually writing something now! I'm battling to focus on my work, which ios a major problem as I'm bashing my head against a deadline, so I must avoid any procrastination fodder!

There is one more, but it's pretty short, and it scanned upside down so I must still flip it and stuff...


SuvvyGirl said...

You have handwriting like I do...and I can't read my own writing. :P Actually I made most of these out...almost went blind doing so. haha j/k
I figured the guy with the bushpig was a bit dodgy as you put it, but it was fun to give you something to laugh at. :) How's being home?

Helen said...

WEll done! I usually write a little bit more legibly when I know someone else might have to try read it, but by candle-light I just didn't manage!

Anonymous said...

I think your notes are AWESOME Helen - I think I like the drawings and random musical notes the best! Thanks for sharing them :)
