So I took my camera out the other day for the first time in ages. the reason? Well when my super-awesome cousin brought me a present from Morocco and it looked like this:
I figured that not documenting it before opening would be some kind of travesty.
So without further ado I give you my collection of potentially (but not actually) illicit substances from overseas:
On the left is white powder from Thailand (it’s pure MSG, in case you were wondering) and on the right we have peppermint tea from Morocco.
I LOVE peppermint tea. I’m quite a tea nut anyway (tea is soup between meals, what’s not to love?) and I love anything minty, so to find peppermint tea is pretty much as good as it gets.
Plus the adventure of making loose-leaf tea:
(not to mention getting the leaves out of the spout afterwards)
and of course hunting through the cupboards for a glass cup, because half of the joy of interesting teas is the colour:
Mmmmm, tea!
Of course I felt that I should use the opportunity to photograph my dogs – the violent vicious one who bites vets (and boyfriends, but that’s another story)
(do you feel the rage?!)
And the timid fluffy one who I had shaved so that she looks like a gremlin/Gollum:
She refuses to stand still as she’s terrified of the camera shutter, so I had to sneak up to her while the other one was posing like a champion and wondering why she got all the attention
(once again, look at the scary scary puppy…)
Oh, and while I’m at it, I should show you all the reason why I whined about my feet hurting for most of Friday evening (to be fair they didn’t really hurt, but wooden-slat floors + heels = deathtrap)